API Reference



struct z_string_t

A string.

const char *val

A pointer to the string.

unsigned int len

The length of the string.

z_string_t z_string_make(const char *s)

Construct a z_string_t from a NULL terminated string. The content of the given string is copied.

  • s – The NULL terminated string.


A new z_string_t.

Array of Str

struct z_str_array_t

An array of NULL terminated strings.

char *const *val

A pointer to the array.

unsigned int len

The length of the array.


struct z_bytes_t

An array of bytes.

const unsigned char *val

A pointer to the bytes array.

unsigned int len

The length of the bytes array.


type zn_properties_t

A map of key/value properties where the key is an unsigned int and the value a z_string_t. Multiple values are coma separated.

zn_properties_t *zn_properties_make()

Return a new empty map of properties.

unsigned int zn_properties_len(zn_properties_t *ps)

Get the length of the given properties map.

  • ps – A pointer to the properties map.


The length of the given properties map.

zn_properties_t *zn_properties_insert(zn_properties_t *ps, unsigned long key, z_string_t value)

Insert a property with a given key to a properties map. If a property with the same key already exists in the properties map, it is replaced.

  • ps – A pointer to the properties map.

  • key – The key of the property to add.

  • value – The value of the property to add.


A pointer to the updated properties map.

z_string_t zn_properties_get(zn_properties_t *ps, unsigned int key)

Get the property with the given key from a properties map.

  • ps – A pointer to properties map.

  • key – The key of the property.


The value of the property with key key in properties map ps.

void zn_properties_free(zn_properties_t *ps)

Free a set of properties.

  • ps – A pointer to the properties.



Possible flags in a whatami bitmask :

const unsigned int ZN_ROUTER
const unsigned int ZN_PEER
const unsigned int ZN_CLIENT
struct zn_hello_t

A hello message returned by a zenoh entity to a scout message sent with zn_scout().

unsigned int whatami

The kind of zenoh entity.

z_bytes_t pid

The peer id of the scouted entity (empty if absent).

z_str_array_t locators

The locators of the scouted entity.

struct zn_hello_array_t

An array of zn_hello_t messages.

const zn_hello_t *val

A pointer to the array.

unsigned int len

The length of the array.


zn_hello_array_t zn_scout(unsigned int what, zn_properties_t *config, unsigned long scout_period)

Scout for routers and/or peers.

  • what – A whatami bitmask of zenoh entities kind to scout for.

  • config – A set of properties to configure the scouting.

  • scout_period – The time that should be spent scouting before returnng the results.


An array of zn_hello_t messages.

void zn_hello_array_free(zn_hello_array_t hellos)

Free an array of zn_hello_t messages and it’s contained zn_hello_t messages recursively.

  • strs – The array of zn_hello_t messages to free.


Session configuration

A zenoh-net session is configured through a zn_properties_t properties map.

Multiple values are coma separated.

The following constants define the several property keys accepted for a zenoh-net session configuration and the associated accepted values.

const unsigned int ZN_CONFIG_MODE_KEY

The library mode.

  • Accepted values : "peer", "client".

  • Default value : "peer".

const unsigned int ZN_CONFIG_PEER_KEY
The locator of a peer to connect to.
  • Accepted values : <locator> (ex: "tcp/").

  • Default value : None.

  • Multiple values accepted.

const unsigned int ZN_CONFIG_LISTENER_KEY

A locator to listen on.

  • Accepted values : <locator> (ex: "tcp/").

  • Default value : None.

  • Multiple values accepted.

const unsigned int ZN_CONFIG_USER_KEY

The user name to use for authentication.

  • Accepted values : <string>.

  • Default value : None.

const unsigned int ZN_CONFIG_PASSWORD_KEY

The password to use for authentication.

  • Accepted values : <string>.

  • Default value : None.


Activates/Desactivates multicast scouting.

  • Accepted values : "true", "false".

  • Default value : "true".


The network interface to use for multicast scouting.

  • Accepted values : "auto", <ip address>, <interface name>.

  • Default value : "auto".


The multicast address and ports to use for multicast scouting.

  • Accepted values : <ip address>:<port>.

  • Default value : "".


In client mode, the period dedicated to scouting a router before failing.

  • Accepted values : <float in seconds>.

  • Default value : "3.0".


In peer mode, the period dedicated to scouting first remote peers before doing anything else.

  • Accepted values : <float in seconds>.

  • Default value : "0.2".

const unsigned int ZN_CONFIG_ADD_TIMESTAMP_KEY

Indicates if data messages should be timestamped.

  • Accepted values : "true", "false".

  • Default value : "false".

const unsigned int ZN_CONFIG_LOCAL_ROUTING_KEY

Indicates if local writes/queries should reach local subscribers/queryables.

  • Accepted values : "true", "false".

  • Default value : "true".

The following functions allow to create default zn_properties_t maps for zenoh-net session configuration. The returned configurations can be amended with extra options with zn_properties_insert().

zn_properties_t *zn_config_empty()

Create an empty set of properties for zenoh-net session configuration.

zn_properties_t *zn_config_default()

Create a default set of properties for zenoh-net session configuration.

zn_properties_t *zn_config_peer()

Create a default set of properties for peer mode zenoh-net session configuration.

zn_properties_t *zn_config_client(char *peer)

Create a default set of properties for client mode zenoh-net session configuration. If peer is not null, it is added to the configuration as remote peer.

  • peer – An optional peer locator.

Session management

zn_session_t *zn_open(zn_properties_t *config)

Open a zenoh-net session

  • config – A set of properties.


The created zenoh-net session or null if the creation did not succeed.

zn_properties_t *zn_info(zn_session_t *session)

Get informations about an zenoh-net session.

  • session – A zenoh-net session.


A zn_properties_t map containing informations on the given zenoh-net session.

void zn_close(zn_session_t *session)

Close a zenoh-net session.

  • session – A zenoh-net session.


Resource key

struct zn_reskey_t

A resource key.

Resources are identified by URI like string names. Examples : "/some/resource/key". Resource names can be mapped to numerical ids through zn_declare_resource() for wire and computation efficiency.

A resource key can be either:

  • A plain string resource name.

  • A pure numerical id.

  • The combination of a numerical prefix and a string suffix.

unsigned long id

The id or prefix of this resource key. 0 if empty.

const char *suffix

The suffix of this resource key. NULL if pure numerical id.

zn_reskey_t zn_rname(const char *name)

Create a resource key from a resource name.

  • id – The resource name.


A new resource key.

zn_reskey_t zn_rid(unsigned long id)

Create a resource key from a resource id.

  • id – The resource id.


A new resource key.

zn_reskey_t zn_rid_with_suffix(unsigned long id, const char *suffix)

Create a resource key from a resource id and a suffix.

  • id – The resource id.

  • suffix – The suffix.


A new resource key.


struct zn_sample_t

A zenoh-net data sample.

A sample is the value associated to a given resource at a given point in time.

z_string_t key

The resource key of this data sample.

z_bytes_t value

The value of this data sample.

Resource declaration

unsigned long zn_declare_resource(zn_session_t *session, zn_reskey_t reskey)

Associate a numerical id with the given resource key.

This numerical id will be used on the network to save bandwidth and ease the retrieval of the concerned resource in the routing tables.

  • session – The zenoh-net session.

  • resource – The resource key to map to a numerical id.


A numerical id.



type zn_publisher_tr

A zenoh-net Publisher.


zn_publisher_t *zn_declare_publisher(zn_session_t *session, zn_reskey_t reskey)

Declare a zn_publisher_t for the given resource key.

Written resources that match the given key will only be sent on the network if matching subscribers exist in the system.

  • session – The zenoh-net session.

  • resource – The resource key to publish.


The created zn_publisher_t or null if the declaration failed.

void zn_undeclare_publisher(zn_publisher_t *publ)

Undeclare a zn_publisher_t.

  • sub – The zn_publisher_t to undeclare.

int zn_write(zn_session_t *session, zn_reskey_t reskey, const char *payload, unsigned int len)

Write data.

  • session – The zenoh-net session.

  • resource – The resource key to write.

  • payload – The value to write.

  • len – The length of the value to write.


0 in case of success, 1 in case of failure.



type zn_subscriber_t

A zenoh-net subscriber.

enum zn_reliability_t

The subscription reliability.

  • zn_reliability_t_BEST_EFFORT

  • zn_reliability_t_RELIABLE

enum zn_submode_t

The subscription mode.

  • zn_submode_t_PUSH

  • zn_submode_t_PULL

struct zn_period_t

The subscription period.

unsigned int origin
unsigned int period
unsigned int duration
struct zn_subinfo_t

Informations to be passed to zn_declare_subscriber() to configure the created zn_subscriber_t.

zn_reliability_t reliability

The subscription reliability.

zn_submode_t mode

The subscription mode.

zn_period_t *period

The subscription period.

zn_subinfo_t zn_subinfo_default()

Create a default subscription info.


zn_subscriber_t *zn_declare_subscriber(zn_session_t *session, zn_reskey_t reskey, zn_subinfo_t sub_info, void (*callback)(const zn_sample_t*, const void*), void *arg, )

Declare a zn_subscriber_t for the given resource key.

  • session – The zenoh-net session.

  • resource – The resource key to subscribe.

  • sub_info – The zn_subinfo_t to configure the zn_subscriber_t.

  • callback – The callback function that will be called each time a data matching the subscribed resource is received.

  • arg – A pointer that will be passed to the callback on each call.


The created zn_subscriber_t or null if the declaration failed.

void zn_pull(zn_subscriber_t *sub)

Pull data for a pull mode zn_subscriber_t. The pulled data will be provided by calling the callback function provided to the zn_declare_subscriber() function.

void zn_undeclare_subscriber(zn_subscriber_t *sub)

Undeclare a zn_subscriber_t.




struct zn_target_t

Which amongst the matching queryables should be target of a zn_query().

zn_target_t_Tag tag;
zn_target_t_COMPLETE_Body complete;

Members of zn_target_t when zn_target_t.tag is set to zn_target_t_COMPLETE.

unsigned int n

The number of complete queryables that should be target of a zn_query().

enum zn_target_t_Tag

The possible values of zn_target_t.tag.

  • zn_target_t_BEST_MATCHING: The nearest complete queryable if any else all matching queryables.

  • zn_target_t_COMPLETE: A set of complete queryables.

  • zn_target_t_ALL: All matching queryables.

  • zn_target_t_NONE: No queryables.

zn_target_t zn_target_default()

Create a default zn_target_t.

The network interface to use for multicast scouting.

struct zn_query_target_t

The zenoh-net queryables that should be target of a zn_query().

unsigned int kind

A mask of queryable kinds.

zn_target_t target

The query target.

Predefined values for zn_query_target_t.kind:

const unsigned int ZN_QUERYABLE_ALL_KINDS
const unsigned int ZN_QUERYABLE_EVAL
const unsigned int ZN_QUERYABLE_STORAGE
zn_query_target_t zn_query_target_default()

Create a default zn_query_target_t.

enum zn_consolidation_mode_t

The kind of consolidation that should be applied on replies to a zn_query().

  • zn_consolidation_mode_t_FULL: Guaranties unicity of replies. Optimizes bandwidth.

  • zn_consolidation_mode_t_LAZY: Does not garanty unicity. Optimizes latency.

  • zn_consolidation_mode_t_NONE: No consolidation.

struct zn_query_consolidation_t

The kind of consolidation that should be applied on replies to a zn_query() at the different stages of the reply process.

zn_consolidation_mode_t first_routers

The consolidation mode to apply on first routers of the replies routing path.

zn_consolidation_mode_t last_router

The consolidation mode to apply on last router of the replies routing path.

zn_consolidation_mode_t reception

The consolidation mode to apply at reception of the replies.

zn_query_consolidation_t zn_query_consolidation_default()

Create a default zn_query_consolidation_t.

struct zn_source_info_t

Information on the source of a reply.

unsigned int kind

The kind of source.

z_bytes_t id

The unique id of the source.


void zn_query(zn_session_t *session, zn_reskey_t reskey, const char *predicate, zn_query_target_t target, zn_query_consolidation_t consolidation, void (*callback)(const zn_source_info_t*, const zn_sample_t*, const void*), void *arg, )

Query data from the matching queryables in the system.

  • session – The zenoh-net session.

  • resource – The resource key to query.

  • predicate – An indication to matching queryables about the queried data.

  • target – The kind of queryables that should be target of this query.

  • consolidation – The kind of consolidation that should be applied on replies.

  • callback – The callback function that will be called on reception of replies for this query.

  • arg – A pointer that will be passed to the callback on each call.



type zn_queryable_t

The zenoh-net Queryable.


zn_queryable_t *zn_declare_queryable(zn_session_t *session, zn_reskey_t reskey, unsigned int kind, void (*callback)(zn_query_t*, const void*), void *arg, )

Declare a zn_queryable_t for the given resource key.

  • session – The zenoh-net session.

  • resource – The resource key the zn_queryable_t will reply to.

  • kind – The kind of zn_queryable_t.

  • callback – The callback function that will be called each time a matching query is received.

  • arg – A pointer that will be passed to the callback on each call.


The created zn_queryable_t or null if the declaration failed.

Predefined values for kind:

const unsigned int ZN_QUERYABLE_EVAL
const unsigned int ZN_QUERYABLE_STORAGE
void zn_undeclare_queryable(zn_queryable_t *qable)

Undeclare a zn_queryable_t.
